Robert L. Pyle, Archaeologist
1964 Negley Avenue
Morgantown, WV 26505
Areas of Expertise: Archaeology and Geology
Robert L. Pyle has over 40 years experience in the
fields of geology and archaeology. He has developed a popular hands-on
classroom science program, Dig-It. He conducts Dit-It programs and
teacher training workshops in West Virginia and other states, for
schools and agencies such as the Department of Energy, Smithsonian
Institution, Carnegie-Mellon Governor's Honors Academy and other
educational events. In 1996 he designed, built and supplied major
displays for the Mason-Dixon Historical Park's museum in Monongalia
County, W. Va., which has continued growing since.
Pyle has done federal, state, and industrial projects.
His work includes aerial infrared interpretation and gas and oil
core sample identification. He has been nominated at two colleges
for honorary doctoral degrees. Working on his own, motivated by
interest in science and mankind's past, he has discovered more than
200 archaeological sites. His experience ranges across the spectrum
of human influence, from ancient Indian villages, camps and petroglyphs
to pioneer habitat and industries, and includes the study and classification
of rocks, minerals, and plant and animal fossils. He has assisted
law enforcement agencies in locating missing persons and investigating
1984. Center for American Archaeology at Northwestern
University. Archaeological Field School, Kampsville, IL; Historical
Archaeology Lab and Methods.
1983. Center for American Archaeology at Northwestern
University. Archaeological Field School, Kampsville, IL; Lithics
Artifacts and Laboratory Methods: Instructor Thomas Genn Cook.
1963. West Virginia University; Geology and Archaeology.
19 credit hours
1957-61. West Virginia University; Geology and Archaeology.
Informal internships.
Nominated for honorary degrees at Alderson Broaddus
and West Virginia University. Received an Honorary Degree from Alderson-Broaddus
International recognition in archaeology and petroglyph
research and field work. Sponsored for archaeological documentary
including site visits to Ireland.
1984. Human Osteology; Dr. David Burr, Chairman,
Anatomy Dept., West Virginia University
1957-65. Identification and Preservation of Animal
and Plant Fossils; Instructors Dr. Dana Wells, Paleontologist; William
H. Gillespie, Paleobotanist; West Virginia University.
1957-1960. Collection and Preservation of Fish Coprolites
and Scales and Amphibian Fossils of West Virginia; Assistant to
Dr. Paul H. Price, Dr. Dana Wells, And Jan Dyckes
1956. Archaeological investigations and excavations;
Dr. Paul H. Price, WV State Geologist; Dr. Edward V. McMichaels,
State Archaeologist, and Jan Dyckes, Geologist.
WVU Medical Center , physical anthropology studies
Research Associate, WV Geological Survey Museum
Kristy Laboratories, green crystals growth and study
1965-1981. West Virginia Department of Highways/Department
of Testing Certified Laboratory Technician III.
Identification of soils and rock formations. Fourteen years experience
with DOH (plus 2 years in Vietnam, where I did private research
in archaeology and soils analysis while serving in the Army). Analyzed
core samples and field rock and soils via chemical and physical
testing, as required for highway projects.
1963-1989. Excavated 300 prehistoric burials and
conducted research on the remains (continuing research). In conjunction
with Dr. David Burr at WVU Medical Center, conducted research and
analysis of late prehistoric remains to determine physical condition
and/or cause of death.
1963-1997. Geology consultant for coal and gas companies,
identifying and classifying soils and rock formations including
core and auger drilling samples; on call to correctly identify soil,
rock and mineral formations for gas and oil well plugging prior
to mining, where accuracy is crucial to the protection of human
life. (Reference Roger Duckworth and Van Pittman, Engineers, Consol
Inc. (Continuing...))
Over 300 phase I and II archaeological investigations
in numerous West Virginia counties.
Site Excavation, partial list:
Cook Petroglyph site, Wyoming County, WV
Caha Mountain Petroglyph site, Ireland
Dingle Petroglyph site, Ireland
Fournochs Petroglyph site, Ireland
Horse Creek Petroglyph site, Boone County, WV
Coal Mountain Petroglyph site, Wyoming County, WV
Davis Petroglyph site, Wyoming County. WV
Dingus Petroglyph sites, Mingo County, WV
Lynco Petroglyph site, Wyoming County, WV
Dameron Petroglyph site, Wyoming County, WV
Wayne Petroglyph site, Wayne County, WV
Beards Fork Petroglyph site, Fayette County, WV
Redbird Petroglyph site, Manchester, KY
Vern Spratt Petroglyph site, Hazard County, KY
Dixon Rock Shelter, Preston County, WV, l959
Greer Rock Shelter -Morgantown WV, l963
Dorsey Knob Site, Morgantown WV, l984
Pentress site Morgantown WV, 1970
Kennedy Youth Center, Morgantown WV, l964
New Geneva Historic pottery reject site , Pennsylvania l969
Chipps Rock Shelter Morgantown WV, l970
Rohr Rock Shelter , Morgantown WV, l969
Pictograph site surveys, Morgantown WV
Murphy Ranch, Holdbrook Arizona, l970
Batson Site Morgantown, WVa. 1988
Grants Received:
Dwight D. Eisenhower Grant-Hands on Teaching of Geology and Archaeology
Earl Hill Foundation grant for Petroglyph research,
Marrow Bone Coal Company for Petroglyph site excavation,
Related business activity:
Archaeological Archives, Inc.
West Virginia Rock and Mineral Supply Co., Morgantown, WV 1970
Related Experience (Partial List):
· 190-Archaeological Federal Regulatory Commission reports
· State Archaeologist for W.V.Department of Highways (WVDH)
-3years -1979-1981
· Consulting work for W.V.D.H, 4 years
· Discovery of first pre-historic double-boiler in North
· Discovery of first Lithic site in West Virginia, 8,000-l0,000
B.C., 1984
· Archaeological forensics for 9 homicides, actual discovery
of one missing homicide victim, l999
· First controlled excavation of a Petroglyph site in WV
at Dingus, 1988
· Orginized paleobotany study groups from WV, PA, and MD,
investigating the geological occurrence of prehistoric plants
at Devonian Red Beds, Dunkard, Cassville, Pennslyvania, Fairfax
and Kitzmiller.
· Conducted inservice teacher programs, Department of Juvenile
Justice, 1997-1999-2001-2002
· Conducted Geology, Archaeology, Paleobotany, Vertibre
& Invertbre Paleontology programs
Video Documentaries on activities of Robert L. Pyle,
archaeologist, prepared by Shepherds Chapel, Gavette, Arkansas
The State of Affais--All That Remains#4 l994
All That Remains-#3 l993
All That Remains-#2 l993
All That Remains-#1 l994
Hands on Science l995
Re-Interment Ceremony-WV OGAM Man at Cook Petroglyph site
Beyond The Sea
Translation- Holy Stones, l998
Videos featuring discoveries, research
and teaching activity of Robert Pyle
Wyoming County Petroglyphs, produced for 700 Club broadcast
Mt. Vision -by Mike Marchie l983
Brendan The Navigator, I and II, PBS, National Arts Television
Hands-on-Science teaching documentary at King School, Moundsville,
Hands-on-Science teaching documentaries at Cash Valley School,
Lavale, MD
NBC's Today Show--authenticating rock find of Mathew Stevie
Canal Place, documentary on C&O Canal, featuring Mr. Pyle
as Field Archaeologist
National Academy of Science, Field School Archaeological Instructor,
Pocohantas County, 1992-1994
Mason Dixon Museum, productions by National Arts Television &
Shepherd's Chapel
Earl E. Hill Productions, archaeological explorations by Bob Pyle:
· Caha, Ireland l999
· Bone Needle 2000
· Skellig Michael Island 2000
· Mason-Dixon Park
· Reinternment Ceremony of Ogam Man at Cook Petrolyph
Cedarville Excavation l987
Mike Boldwan Productions-Dingess site, 8 hour documentry, l988
Hands-on Science archaeological program, Nutter Fork School, l995
Marshall Co., WV, 25 Archaeological programs (covering 7 years
of instruction) l990
Historic pottery kilns&pottery vessels
Kentucky petroglyph
Historic Finger prints l999
Wand Archaeological site
Worley Archaeological site
Archaeological program center, McMechen School, l995
Archaeological program, Logan High School l995
Buckhannon Middle School archaeological program, l997-l998-l999
Forensic Reconstruction-Prehistoric Man
Manchester Petroglyph Site, l992
Historic New Geneva Pottery, l987
Hands-on-Science, instructional documentries, for Department of
Interviews at Dingass, WV with Irish cutural affairs attache
Artifacts of Marietta, Ohio
Publications by Robert L. Pyle
Books: All that Remains, Volumes I & II, 1991 & 1998
Historic pottery and kiln prepration, 1990
Occurence and distribution of Hughes River flint, 1984
Chart: Prehistoric Projectile Points, 1986
Recognition Dinner and award of confirmation gifts from the people
of Ireland, by the Irish Ambassador.
EMMY Nomination for work on documentry film BRENDAN THE NAVIGATOR
Maryland Archaeological Society
Frostburg University
Historical Society in Aurora WVa.
Historical Society in Morgantown WVa.
Irish Embassy-ambassador H.E. Tadhg O'Sulllivan
Delpha Norona Museum, Moundsville, WVa.
Presentations to schools in 5 different states & 35 school districts
Presentations on Mason-Dixon Park Museum, constructed and managed
by prsenter.
Recored,dismanteled ,reconstructed Log House and donated to Mason-Dixon
Park Museum
Conducted Geological, Archaeological program at l5 receation camps
in WV.
Conducted presentations at first Salt glaze kilns in West Sabraton,
Morgantown WVa.-1990
Holy Cross Monastary, Wayne, WV. -2002
Historic Research group, Manchester, Ky, on Red Bird Petroglyph
Marietta Technical College, Marietta, Ohio.
View Bob Pyle's Instructional Plan online.